Werewolves in Middle English

Werewolves have been a popular topic in literature and folklore for centuries, captivating readers with their mysterious and often horrifying transformations. The idea of a human transforming into a wolf-like creature under the light of a full moon has been portrayed in countless books, movies, and TV shows. But where did the legend of the werewolf originate, and why are these shapeshifters so intriguing to us?

The course offered at Clockworks Academy explores the history of werewolves in medieval literature, delving into the tales of Bisclavret and other werewolf knights. The idea of a human transforming into a wolf is not unique to the Middle Ages, however, as stories of shapeshifters date back centuries in cultures all around the world. In fact, werewolves were not always portrayed as evil creatures - in some cultures, they were revered as powerful protectors.

One possible explanation for the enduring popularity of werewolves is their ability to tap into primal fears and desires. The transformation from human to animal represents a loss of control, a loss of identity, and a loss of humanity. This can be both terrifying and exhilarating for readers, as they are able to experience the thrill of transformation without actually undergoing it themselves.

Furthermore, the werewolf legend can also be seen as a metaphor for the animalistic nature within all humans. Just as the werewolf struggles to control their inner beast, so too do humans struggle to control their own base instincts. The idea of giving in to these instincts and unleashing our inner animal is both tantalizing and frightening.

The popularity of werewolves also speaks to our fascination with the supernatural and the unknown. The idea that there could be creatures lurking among us, with the power to transform into something else entirely, is both thrilling and unsettling. It taps into our sense of wonder and curiosity, while also feeding into our deepest fears.

Overall, the study of werewolves in medieval literature offers a fascinating glimpse into the human psyche and our enduring fascination with the supernatural. By exploring the tales of Bisclavret and other werewolf knights, we can begin to understand what makes these creatures so compelling and why they continue to capture our imaginations to this day. Whether viewed as monsters or protectors, werewolves are a powerful symbol of transformation and the struggle between our human and animal natures.